Meeting of Finance Ministers of the Americas and the Caribbean
Meeting of Finance Ministers of the Americas and the Caribbean
The Finance Ministers of the Americas and the Caribbean have agreed to hold an annual dialogue to discuss selected strategic development issues that are common to the region and have the potential to promote economic integration and cooperation. The meetings of regional finance ministers are also known by the acronym RFM.
The Ninth Meeting of Finance Ministers of the Americas and the Caribbean was chaired by Mr. Luis Andrés Caputo, Minister of Finance of Argentina, and took place on October 11, 2017 in Washington DC.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through the Integration and Trade Sector (INT), acts as the Technical Secretariat of the RFM process, and provides technical and logistical support, in coordination with the country holding the chair and organizing the annual meeting.
La Reunión tuvo lugar en Washington DC, el 11 de octubre de 2017
La Reunión discutió temas globales en el crecimiento y la inclusión financiera e integración regional
El Ministro de Finanzas de Argentina Sr. Luis Andrés Caputo, presidió la 9a Reunión de Ministros de Finanzas de América y el Caribe